Dream Interpretations of Atmosphere, Weather, & Environmental


While we (Acts2dreams.com) cannot be absolute on what any one dream may really mean, we will update this directory as we find revelation and inspiration in the context of the scriptures. We encourage the believer to always first seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit, for he himself knows the depths and truths of God. If a dream is given by God, then God alone can give you the true meaning.

For who knows a person’s thoughts except their own spirit within them?
In the same way no one knows the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God.
1 Corinthians 2:11 (NIV)

Blizzard: Blinded, Bigger force than oneself preventing sight, Slowing down of life due to cold

Cloud: God’s glory, Pending future, Symbolic to the condition of one’s spiritual state of being. May elude to oncoming difficulties, storm.

Darkness: Sometimes this can be God leading one into places where one must go, but not necessarily need to know what all is going on. Another thought is darkness can be imposing demonic forces. Can represent depression, loneliness, hopelessness.

Dark Void: Sometimes used to only show what needs to be revealed. Other times, it represents loss or great need in one’s life.

Dawn: A new journey, new day on one’s life from the hardships of the night.

Dew: Hope of life.

Dust/Dust Storms: Lack of life, need water or Spirit of God in one’s life. Spiritually dehydrated.

Earthquake: uncontrollable change by force, God’s judgement, Trauma, Disaster

Evening:/Sunset Day is nearly over, all decisions that were made make themselves known at this time of day. May represent a closing to one’s life or winding down of events.

Fire: Cleanser and destroyer. Depending on source and reason, fire can be both good and bad. God can use fire to judge things and to cleanse things. Fire can be literal or figurative.

Flood/Tsunami: Troubled times, often represents the overwhelming of uncontrolled events in life.

Fog: uncertainty, thoughts not able to distinguish, Confusion, can be temporary in nature.

Frost/Freeze: To hold life, destroyer of life, judgement

Hail/Sleet: Judgement

Hurricane: Forewarned judgement, Lasting judgement, Slow to pass

Ice: Unstable walk, Dangerous passing though on journey

Lava: Destroyer of life.

Lightning: Precise strike of supernatural power. May be evil or good.

Meteor/Asteroid/Comet: End time related. Judgement, disaster.

Mid-Night: Be on guard, thievery, and possibly related to end time events.

Mildew/Mold: Situations that are bad allowed to fester, bad things left untouched in hidden places. Could represent sin or sin nature.

Mist / Vapor: Temporal surroundings, may be in a temporary problem or state of confusion that will pass. See fog.

Mud: Sin, to be covered in mud symbolizes the filth of sin or being around sin.

Moon/Eclipse: Light of the night through dark times. May be a symbolical planned change of events to come. Other gods.

Morning: A new start, to start over.

Night: Evil, darkness, unknown, can be Godly or demonic.

Noon: Turning point in a day, may represent a time of rest or decision.

Quicksand: Unexpected entrapment, deadly. May represent surrounding company kept, fictitious friends.

Rain: Cleansing, Grey rain is often demonic as where clear is God

Rainbow: Promise of God, The hardships are over or passing.

Seasons: Spring, Summer, Winter, & Autumn can represent direct relationship to literal time or symbolic to condition of life in a circumstance. Typically spring means to come to life where winter is often death. Summer is preparing of the harvest as autumn is collecting the harvest.

Sky: Type of sky may describe one’s current circumstances such as a dark sky may represent scared, alone. A clear sky may represent clarity in direction.

Snow: Bring peace, Solitude, Cleansing

Star: Light bearers, Morning Star (Jesus)

Storm: Spiritual warfare, Can be either God or demonic driven, Sudden changes in events, Disaster, Fear. Type of storm may elude to surrounding life circumstances and origins.

Sun: New day, dawning of a day, glory of God

Tornado: Judgement, Demonic representation, Released judgement, Sudden and Swift Fear

Water: Holy Spirit, Refreshing, Cleansing

Wind: Holy Spirit or enemy possible. Direction of wind may elude to where a circumstance or situation is coming from.

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