Dream Interpretations on Emotions & Actions


While we (Acts2dreams.com) cannot be absolute on what any one dream may really mean, we will update this directory as we find revelation and inspiration in the context of the scriptures. We encourage the believer to always first seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit, for he himself knows the depths and truths of God. If a dream is given by God, then God alone can give you the true meaning.

For who knows a person’s thoughts except their own spirit within them?
In the same way no one knows the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God.
1 Corinthians 2:11 (NIV)

Abortion: Death of a person or thing before time. May symbolize fear taking over a circumstance or the literal abortion of a child.

Abuse / Beaten: If the action of being abused or beaten is towards oneself, it is likely a representation of a demonic attack or a real world fear manifesting in your sub-conscience from the conscience world. This is not be confused with correction of behavior. To hit another may represent anger towards that person on thing.

Addiction: Exposure of what one could be controlled by, example drugs, alcohol, pornography, etc. To dream of addiction if seeing yourself, it exposes the state of one’s inner desires and will. To see someone else’s addiction may be a call to intercessory prayer for them. Often showing a state of poverty.

Adopt/Adoption: To welcome or to be welcomed into a family that is not one’s own. To take on a person or thing that may not be one’s own, possibly symbolize the idea of accepting an outside influence as one’s own.

Adultery/Cheating: Can mean literal as to what it is. Symbolic to being untrustworthy to a situation, possibly influenced by a demonic entity. May be the idea of fearing one’s spouse due to mistrust. Cheating on a spouse or situation in a dream is an inward reflection of your conscience desires.

Age/Aging: Can define the literal age of a person or persons. Symbolic to health, death, and wisdom.

Ambush/Surprise: Not to be confused with fear, typically enemy exploiting a weakness in one’s soul. A specific attack on a specific area of interest.

Anger: To feel anger, rage, malice in a dream greatly depends on what it is aimed at or from. Can represent foolishness and haste. To be angered due to an outside situation, one must evaluate the circumstance to determine if the anger is justified or a reaction due to being mistreated. Not all anger is bad, origin of anger is an order to determine good or evil.

Balancing: Stress related, attempting to balance in a dream is often related to out of control circumstances or outside forces attempting to influence oneself.

Baptism: Outward work of an internal goal of salvation. To be baptized is being fully submerged in an action. This is not to be confused with drowning. Typically baptism is good, however if baptized in blood or occult surroundings, may indicate satanic involvement or allegiance to something other than God.

Barking / Yelling / Snarling / Growling: Warning or being warned.

Bathing / Showering: Symbolic to the idea of ridding oneself of external sin or filth. If bathing in a dream and seaming not able to clean, it may represent a sin that cannot be hidden and one is deeply shamed. Also may represent an imposed sin onto one such as the act of been raped or abused.

Battle / Battling: Spiritual warfare, to be involved in conquering or being conquered by sin or opposing forces.

Begging / Poverty: To be subject unto sin or the law nature. Possibly curse or to be cursed.

Biting: To bite symbolizing hate, disgust, anger. To be bitten may symbolize being hated or despised.

Bitterness: The result of jealously, envy, regret, sin.

Blushing: Shame or a hidden thing has been exposed to cause shame. Not to be confused with blushing due to a private situation exposed for good or jest.

Bow / Kneel: Can symbolize respect, fear, serve, and/or to be controlled.

Burden / Worry: Carrying too much wait of a situation, often literal stress.

Burping / Belching / Crude Noises: Can symbolize evil speech. Similar to growling, snarling.

Carried: Either to be protected or taken. Normally denotes a weak point in life.

Chased: Can be representation of demonic spirit in pursuit of oneself. If being chased by an authority figure, one may have issues with submitting to authority.

Choke / Choking: To be choked in a dream is almost always a spiritual attack. It may represent life circumstances driving one into depression or isolation. To choke someone is symbolic to a driven hatred and lack of love. To see someone being choked may be a call to intercessory prayer for that person(s).

Clapping: To approve of an accomplishment or being accepted for what has been done.

Cleaning /Washing: To find oneself cleaning in a dream may symbolize the attempt to rid oneself of things that do not belong in life.

Climb / Climbing / Hiking / Journey: Depending on what is being climbed, it may represent the struggle to reach greater heights in one’s life or attempting to achieve a goal.

Complaining: Rebellion/Gossip

Counsel: To counsel another is to show a path to success or to overcome a life circumstance. Being counseled may be a gateway to open new ways of moving forward from a situation.

Covering: Symbolizes to honor another. If one is covering someone entirely, may represent laying something or someone to rest/death. Other symbolism is to hide sin.

Crush / Crushing / Pressure: To feel crushed or being crushed is an outward attack overwhelming oneself. Taking on too much to handle at once.

Crying: Depends on situation however could be cleansing of the soul to overwhelming depression, grieving.

Death/Dying: To see death in a dream may symbolize coming events, a situation coming to an end in one’s life. Death can be interpreted both good and evil.

Dancing: May represent joy/intimacy as well as wild living. Situation dependent on interpretation.

Depression / Despair: Isolation, need God, Love is lacking, need to love. If imposed on oneself may be demonic attack to steal joy.

Dig / Digging: To find or bury something or someone.

Dine / Feast / Eat: If food is good, it can symbolize the goodness of life, blessings. If food is bad or rotted, may symbolize the sorrow of life or lack.

Directions: To give direction is to share wisdom. To be given direction is to gain wisdom. May be literal to which course of action to consider in life.

Disqualified / Cut-off: May indicate one does not play by the rules or breaking laws. Depression and oppression often follow soon behind.

Drink: To drink water is to receive life or a time of refreshing. Drinking alcohol if indulgent may symbolize the carelessness of life or possibly rebellious (Not to be confused with a simple glass of wine.) Drinking blood is demonic or occult. Type of drink may symbolize present life surroundings, example would be flat soda would be getting by, but without much hope or joy.

Drop / Let Go / Fumble: To drop something accidentally is a mistake or carelessness. Letting go is symbolic to releasing something once held close. Dropping or to drop is similar to letting go, however can represent letting go without care to what happens such as dropping an addiction or hatred towards other.

Drowning: Possibly out of control or to be drowned is a spiritual attack from people or demonic entity.

Elevate / Floating / Overseeing: To be above or overlooking scenario is to be given a chance to see things from a position of power.

Emotionless / Cold Faced: To have a face without emotion is to say one may be without remorse for sin, unrepentant.

Enslaved / Bondage / Slave: To be enslaved is to be held captive by a sin or demonic entity.

Examine: To be examined in a dream may symbolize a warning of a health condition, literal to experiencing real life issues. Depending on the exam like medical or mental may indicate a fear in those areas or a weakness.

Exorcism / Demon Casting Out / Rebuking: To see or not the inward abilities and authority one has again demonic entities. May symbolize what spiritual enemy one is up against.

Gamble: To gamble would be to put trust in something other than God or to take a wild chance at succeeding. Not to be confused with faith.

Falling: Uncontrolled fear, typically a feeling of no control. May represent the present real life feelings on lack of control for surrounding circumstances. To fall into darkness, could be described as being without God. May also be experienced as a downward spiral or into darkness.

Fear / Hiding / Terror: Demonic fear is controlling, overwhelming, paralyzing, death. Godly fear is reverent, respect, and love. Man made fear is anxiety, turmoil, stress, etc. Fear can be both demonic and Godly.

Fighting / Aggression / Kicking / Punching: Dependent on if one is fighting another or being fought. If defensive, may represent trying to personally guard a secret or something cherished. If fighting another, it may symbolize bitterness or anger towards others. If fighting demonic entities, its obviously spiritual warfare in nature.

Flight / Fly: To ease above problems, freedom, to observe from above.

Flock: To be with a group with similar interest or goal.

Flushing: To let go of something with no value or release a burden.

Foul Language / Cursing: To speak foul would be exposing ones inner self worth. Being cursed at may be a demonic or spiritual attack on oneself. All circumstances with foul language are wicked.

Gossip / Eavesdropping / Jester /Whispering: Enemy against one or if doing this as oneself may be that one has bitterness towards another. Possibly people or demons conspiring against another or oneself.

Happiness / Joy / Gladness / Laughter: Hope & future, overcomer

Holding Hands: Act of love, trust, loyalty, and faith.

Hunting / Hunted: To hunt is to be in pursuit of a goal. Being hunted see fear.

Implant: To have something implanted into ones body in a dream may symbolize a good or evil gift. Demonic would indicate a sickness or disease, as Godly may indicate a spiritual enhancement or gift.

Injured / Hurt: To be injured is the result of a deep sin or someone’s sin imposing on one’s life.

Incest: Spirit of perversion, demonic influences.

Juggle: To be juggling in a dream may symbolize the ability or disability to balance life circumstances.

Kill / Killing: To be killed is a deep fear overcoming one’s soul. To kill in a dream means to overcome. Killing a person in a dream may exposed a deep hatred or malice towards that person. To be chased or pursued by a killer is almost always demonic / spiritual attack.

Kiss / Kissing: Intimate sharing of love or affection from another. Kissing is a sign of bonding, if kissing something or someone that isn’t desired, may be spiritual demonic attack.

Knock / Knocking: To invite or be invited into a place.

Labor: To work for a goal, money, achievement. May show humility of heart or lack of.

Leaking: A unsealed sin in life, possibly a secret beginning to expose itself.

Lie / Lying: To lie would symbolize the idea of covering up a sin, prevent from being exposed.

Limping: Possibly hurt from a circumstance or humbled. To be kept from running from a situation.

March / Marching: Military forces or unified army coming/going.

Nausea: Sickened by the environment one is in. May be an indicator of a toxic environment or crowd, influence.

Nursing / Caretaker: Literal or symbolic to caring for others, loving others more than oneself. Raising a new idea.

Peace: Feeling of peace may be closure or comfort to a life situation. Evidence of the Spirit of God working in one’s life, blessing from God.

Plant / Grow / Plowing: Depending on what is being planted will determine if the action of planting or to be planted is good or evil. Something being planted is to speak of what is to come in the future or to be birthed. A season of preparation or expectation.

Prayer or Praying: To dream of praying is to know what needs to be prayed or is being prayed in the conscience.

Race / Marathon: To race may symbolize taking on a journey in life to accomplish a specific goal for a particular reason. Type of race may clue in on how long a journey may be, the need for perseverance and endurance.

Resist or Resistance: To feel resist is to acknowledge a greater force trying to impose on one’s own spirit. This can be both good and evil depending on circumstance.

Resurrect: To see something dead come back to life may symbolize a second chance or new beginning from dead things in the past. Possible awakening in one’s spirit.

Riot: To riot or be part of a riot is to indicate lawlessness, rebellion, possible witchcraft.

Run / Fleeing: Typically related to fear. What one is running from or to is a determination of this interpretation.

Sex: To dream of the act of sex if with one’s own spouse is normal if not sexually deprived. If deprived, this could be a way for a demonic influence to attempt to draw one further into depression. To dream of having sexual relations with others, things, or animals, this is a spirit of perversion and very much a demonic influence. Rape is demonic entirely.

Sickness / Disease: May be literal. Symbolic may represent sin or underlying hidden things in a circumstance.

Silence: Wisdom or serenity to be more attentive to the detail rather than sound.

Singing: Associated with worship. What one is singing to or about in a dream may indicate one’s inner spiritual health.

Sinking: Hopelessness, Circumstances overcoming one’s greater desire.

Shopping: Life choices

Slipping: To be on unstable ground, what is making one slip may be a trap set by a devil or person(s). To Slip, means one fell on the trap laid under them.

Slithering: To see one slithering is to see one lead or controlled by a demonic force.

Sowing / Repairing Clothes: May symbolize bringing restoration back to what was damaged. May represent one person or groups.

Staggering / Drunkenness: To be wayward from the truth, not walking with direction towards God, instead away from God.

Steal / Stolen / Theft: Enemy taking from one which is not his to have literal or spiritual. To steal in a dream may represent the sin of envy or jealousy.

Stir / Mixing: To stir or mix is to possibly bring mischief, strife, conflict.

Suicide: To commit the act of suicide in a dream or see an act would represent selfishness and surrender to evil pressure / circumstances. May indicate dealing with depression/oppression.

Surrounded / Encompassed: To feel surrounded by people or things depending on what is surrounding one may be symbolic of great joy or great distress.

Swimming: The present strength of one’s life. If swimming is hard, it shows the condition of the present circumstance being difficult to continue. Where if one is able to swim to a bank or side of a pool, then one may be overcoming a trial.

Tears (See Crying): Sorrow or gladness over a circumstance. Can represent release of problem or the problem overcoming oneself.

Thirsty / Dry Mouth: To feel thirst or dry mouth in a dream may represent a great longing for something. Deep desire.

Tired: Near regret, looking to surrender to circumstance.

Voices: To hear voices can be taken both good and evil. Discernment is needed to correctly interpret if voices are of a good or evil origin.

Vomiting: To vomit in a dream, means to expel sin or demonic influences out of one’s spirit being.

Whistling: To bring attention to something or someone.

Wrestling: To struggle against spiritual beings or powers.

Writing: To write in a dream is to desire to write it in the conscience. Either a new idea or a regret that never came forth or is to come forth.

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