Dream Interpretations of Things & Objects


While we (Acts2dreams.com) cannot be absolute on what any one dream may really mean, we will update this directory as we find revelation and inspiration in the context of the scriptures. We encourage the believer to always first seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit, for he himself knows the depths and truths of God. If a dream is given by God, then God alone can give you the true meaning.

For who knows a person’s thoughts except their own spirit within them?
In the same way no one knows the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God.
1 Corinthians 2:11 (NIV)

Acid: Destructive, related to words continuing to burn after contact has been made. May also represent the after effects of pain instilled on ones life.

Advertisement / Bill Board / Newspaper: Warning, prophetic, message to be remembered.

Alarm: To be alerted to or bring attention to. Possible trouble ahead.

Alcohol: See Drugs, Addiction, possibly demonically influenced. Depression or anger.

Altar: Sacrifice, note type of altar, can be both God/Satan related.

Anarchy: Rebellion, witchcraft.

Anchor: Resistance, not willing to let go, possibly holding onto hope or hopelessness. Can be good/bad.

Antennae / Radio Tower: Represents the ability to transmit and receive from great distances, messages, communications.

Antiques / Old Items: To reflect on the past, may be a point of reference to understand what else is symbolically happening in the dream or vision.

Art: Take not to type or style, may denote present depiction of life circumstances.

Aquarium: Isolation, kept in a controlled limited environment.

Backpack / Bag / Luggage: Symbolic to what one may be carrying through life, burdens.

Badge: Authoritative, position of authority.

Ball / Sphere: If a object of play, may indicate a reference to childhood. If a sphere is shown as a visual, but not a sports ball, may reference universal communication or influence.

Bandage / Band-Aid: Attempt to heal or conceal a wound. Sometimes a band-aid is a concealer to a greater wound that should be addressed in greater detail, not to be hidden.

Banner / Flag: May symbolize groups of people, angelic or demonic forces, may be literal to country or ethnic. Colors should be noted and researched.

Bed: Condition of life, privacy, intimacy. May lead to adultery, sin.

Bells: Voice of praise, Warfare, Victory, Joy of being in God’s presence, Movement of high priest into the holy place, Powerful approaching, Loud sounding could be militant, Celebration, Rejoicing

Bible: Possible call to read more, research, study.

Binocular / Lens: To see greater distances, may be a foreshadow of what is to come, see to the future.

Blanket / Cover: Good or evil of sin being covered, comfort from outward elements or protection.

Blindfold / Mask: To be kept from knowledge/truth, arrogance, ignorance. Possibly fear of being found out, altar ego.

Blue Ribbons: Reminder of God’s Laws

Blue Stones: Israel – Protector of the word

Book: Types are important to define meaning. May be insight to past, present and/or future. Knowledge & wisdom. Can be good or evil.

Book of Life: Salvation, Heaven’s ledger of those whom follow Jesus as Lord, those whom are redeemed, forgiven of sin.

Bracelet / Armband: Symbolizes to whom one belongs or status in society. Research culture references.

Brake: To stop or prevent. If brake does’t work in a dream, may represent a fear overcoming one’s ability to control a circumstance. May be literal fear of failing brakes.

Bread: Condition of life, moldy is death, fresh is life.

Brick / Stone / Masonry: Hard labor, to construct.

Bridle: To control or be controlled.

Broom / Broomstick / Mop: To clean or rid sin, possible reference to witchcraft.

Buffet: Choices to be made, consumable life choices.

Cactus / Thorny Plants: May symbolize person or groups that do not wish to be emotionally close to anyone, isolated and self sustaining. Typically guarded and will easily hurt others to keep distance. May also attempt to prevent life or changes from happening in their near by environment.

Cake: Celebration of life, if cake is molded or bad may represent lose of life.

Calculator: Sum of things, assist in understanding a problem.

Calendar / Date: Event driven, possibly symbolic to time period, or literal time period in years.

Camera: A captured time or moment in ones life or memory.

Candle / Candlestick: Figuratively that of Christ and the Church. May represent a life or lives of many.

Candy / Sweets: Gossip, or a lure to temptation. Literal addiction or desire.

Cellphone / Phone: Talking symbolizes a long distance communication with another. To hear a phone ring and not answer may symbolize fear of hearing an answer that is desired to hear or confronting a fear.

Certificate / Diploma: Given achievement and/or authority.

Cartoon / Comic: Fun or entertainment. May reference childhood.

Chain: Bondage, captivity, sin.

Chair: Type is important. Place of rest or authority. Possible for interrogation.

Chess / Checkmate: A strategic symbolism for winning/victory. May be good or evil. Chess pieces may represent individuals or groups.

Cinnamon: Used in creation of anointing oil for high priest in the temple of God. May represent anointing or to be anointed.

Circles: Eternal shape, infinite, unity, covenant. Can be used for both good and evil.

Clay: Mortality, creative.

Clock / Time: May indicate a warning as to when an event is to happen, possible countdown to event. Wait or patience.

Clothing / Garments: Take not what type it is, an apron for example may mean servant or labor. A military garment would be soldier, etc. Ragged garments typically mean poverty or forgotten. May represent what one may be getting ready to journey to, prepared garments for a specific time in life.

Coffin: Literal or symbolic to death or dying.

Compass: Symbolic to knowing what direction one is going, if compass is spinning may mean life is out of control or without direction, possibly with an opposing force to cause the misdirection.

Computer: To quickly process information or decisively, logically make decisions.

Cord of Scarlet: Thread of atonement

Cross: Sacrifice, Reconciliation. If upside down or on fire may indicate occult or demonic activity, false religion.

Crown: Royal, Royalty, Kingly Reign, Crown types can be priestly, kingly, queenly, righteousness, life, glory, incorruptible, and of victory

Crystal Ball: Divination, witchcraft, demonic, fortune telling.

Crystal Drops: Tears, Reflections of light and color found in Heaven

Cup: Fullness of joy or sorrow. Share a cup means to share in one another’s joy or sorrows.

Curtain / Blind: To conceal or hide what is beyond.

Decoy: To be lured into a trap or setting a trap. To deceive another.

Desk: Position of authority or execution of power.

Diamond / Crystal / Precious Stones: To be of great worth or value.

Diaper: Indicates immaturity or young growth. A dirty diaper may indicate sin or filth of sin.

Disease / Virus / Bacteria: Terminally ill or without hope. May show desire for hope or love. May be a cause of evil.

Dominoes: Stable outward appearances that lead to a cascade event. Classic cause and effect symbolism.

Door: Often a choice to be made or being made. May indicate an opening or closure of a time of life. A rotating door may symbolize a problem in one’s life where anything can come and go, easily influenced.

Drain / Gutter: Possibly a means to dis-guard useless or unnecessary waste from one’s life.

Dresser / Chest: An empty dresser symbolizes a lack of desire for change in one’s life. Chest being empty may symbolize the lose of desire or aspirations. If dresser or chest is full, may insinuate that it is time for a change in one’s life.

Driving: Condition of driving as speed, vehicle, etc. is relative to the fears of life. May also symbolize worry or anxiety.

Drugs: Can be from literal addiction. Drug influence in a dream is often a symbolic means of influence from demonic entities.

Dumpster / Trashcan: The need to rid of trash from ones life such as sin. If a dumpster/trashcan is seen full, may indicate holding onto foul past experiences.

Drums / Gongs / Cymbals: If played in rhythm, means to care for all those around with love and compassion. To play haphazardly or noisy, means to not love those around you. With or without love.

Ear Plugs / Ear Muffs: To block out voices or what others may be trying to communicate you one. Resistance to listen.

Egg: May symbolize the beginning of something to come.

Electricity: May symbolize power of the Holy Spirit as well as other spiritual forces. Can be good or evil. May be literal with out symbolism.

Ember / Burning Coal: Hope, to rekindle hope, may represent last hope or chance for a soul to renew. May symbolize a coming cleansing, or a small beginning.

Engine: Core component of moving or going to another place. If engine is broke, may indicate sorrow or discord in one’s life.

Eraser: Ability to choose to remove event from one’s life or attempt to hide.

Exam / Test / Quiz: To be tested by trail for moving to the next phase in life. If cheating on a test, indicates inward dishonesty. For others to attempt to copy one’s test may indicate jealousy or malice.

Fangs: Danger, warning, wickedness.

Fence: A barrier, may represent fear keeping one from moving forward or keeping one trapped. Can be literal to be a barrier of protection from outside influence. A dividing of territories.

Filing Cabinet / Storage Device: Where life events, good or bad is stored, typically to be extracted or remembered.

Filtered Mask: Wearing a mask that is to protect one from harmful gas or toxins means to be in an environment where the damage is greater than you can bear alone. Very dangerous.

Fishhook: To catch or to be caught. To trap or to be trapped.

Fire Extinguisher: May indicate to put out an argument, debate, or turmoil. To terminate an evil.

Flowers: Symbols of affection, love, intent. If flowers are dead or wilted, then may symbolize the death of a relationship or feelings toward the situation.

Fool’s Gold: False in appearance, to deceive. May represent false person, place, religion, even an occult.

Footstool / Ottoman: To relax, rest upon. May indicate resting authority or subjection of adversaries to oneself.

Framework / Infrastructure: The underlying truth or stability of a person or group of people.

Fuel / Gas: The means of able to make a journey or not in a given vehicle or craft.

Furnace / Fireplace: Judgement of God. May also mean to be comforted in a cold season of life.

Gear / Cog: Symbolic to a small part to the sum of the whole. May symbolize importance of a person, group, or thing.

Gift: A given good to what a person deserves or the giver wants to give. May be symbolic or literal. Gifts can be given by both good and evil.

Glass: If whole and clear means to see through a circumstance clearly. Broken or murky may indicate the struggles of life overcoming one’s ability to see clearly what to do.

Glue / Bonding Agent: To be a peacemaker. To bring what was broken together again.

Golden Image / Idol: Gold image or idol is pagan or to worship something greater than God.

Grinder / Grinding Wheel: To sharpen or dull ones life that is in the hands of a friend or foe.

Gutter: If one is in a gutter, may symbolize a fallen soul. One who needs critical help.

Harp / Guitar / Musical Instruments: Praise, Prophecy, Worship, Joy.

Handcuffs: To be taken into control of a another. To bring one to justice or captivity.

Hart: Christ

Heart: God rejoicing over use, State of life good or bad

Horn / Amplifier / Loud Speaker: Strength, power, to draw attention to.

Hourglass: Time is short or windows of opportunity is limited.

Incense: Prayer, offerings up to God. Can be used for evil as well.

Jewels: Saints in varied glory, Groups of people

Jewish star (6 Points): David’s shield, Divine protection

Key: Kingdom authority, To unlock, Power, Authority

Lace Veil: Holy of Holies

Ladder: To overcome a tall obstacle or to climb to the next level of a building/circumstance. May symbolize a promotion.

Lamp: To light small area to see where one is traveling to. Condition of lamp may indicate internal spiritual strength. Symbolizes the Word of God or the forward footsteps of the righteous.

Letter: A personal desire to tell someone or to be told by someone what is to be said. Could represent regret or remorse. Sometimes can be used as means of communication for romance.

Life Vest / Life Raft: To be thrown a vest or raft is to be rescued from an uncontrollable circumstance. Wearing a life vest is to prepare for a potentially dangerous journey.

Light: God’s wisdom, power. Literal to just light.

Lock: To see something locked symbolizes a secret, and if unlocked to secret to be known.

Long Tinsel or Streams of Tinsel: Gladness

Lamp: Word of God, God’s direction.

Mailbox: To receive or send a message.

Makeup: To cover identity or to disguise oneself. Literal to making oneself look better or self esteem boost.

Map: Direction or a guide to travel in life. Condition of map may indicate the journey ahead.

Mask / Costume: To disguise oneself or hid from the truth. Sometimes represents deceit or demonic activity.

Menu: Choices in life, possible temporary but important choices.

Metal / Iron: The rigidness of humanity or conditional strength. Can be literal or symbolic to groups and buildings.

Microscope / Magnifying Glass: To be under excessive observation or to observe someone or thing very closely.

Money / Check / Cash /Coin: To find money may mean to receive a reward. To give is to payback what was borrowed or taken. If money is fake, may represent misleading business ventures, false hope or teaching.

Musical Instruments: To worship with, good or evil. Entertainment.

Net: Power of the gospel, Fisher of men, To be caught or to catch. May be a trap by a spiritual enemy.

Newspaper: Known knowledge of past, present, and/or future events.

Noose: Judgement, evil punishment. Possibly racist if referenced as such.

Occult Symbolism: Research specific symbol. All demonic in nature. May be a specific person(s) and/or demon(s) attempting to attack oneself.

Oil: The anointing, Holy Spirit. Other forms are crude oil, referencing wealth or fast riches.

Ouija Board: Demonic gateway to consult with evil spirits.

Oven / Stove: To be cooking with or in may symbolize an event to take place, not long from being a finished product or thing. Just a hot oven, may indicate high emotions in one’s life.

Paint: See Colors Section

Passport: To travel across territories, countries or even spiritual domains.

Pearls: Jesus, Pearl of great price, To be formed or forming into, End result to a hard circumstance.

Phone: Message or desire to speak with someone.

Polygraph Machine: Fear of being truthful or letting a secret out.

Pot / Pottery: Condition of life’s ability to sustain. If broken may represent death or defeat. If on a potter’s wheel, symbolizes the present state of one’s ability to conform to their surroundings or being shaped into something different than one’s present personality.

Porn / Pornography: Sinful, perverted sexual desires. May be an influence from a spirit of perversion.

Prescribed drugs / Prescription: To receive healing or hope of overcoming a current struggle. This is not to be confused with being addicted to a drug, in which case is a demonic influence.

Puppet: To be controlled or persuaded to a knowledge.

Puppet Stage: To see that which is controlled by another source.

Razor Wire / Barbed Wire: To be kept captive or to keep out of an area. Can be interpreted differently depending on what side of the wire one is on. If wire is on one’s body, it is a life threatening restriction or fear that has one in captivity, possibly represents sin.

Road Block / Barricade: To be prevented from arriving to destiny or protection from danger.

Robe: Shows office, Presence of God, Word of God, State of being

Rope / Thread: Strength of life, a three cored rope is harder to break than one. Rope length may symbolize time that is left or the shortness of an ending situation.

Safe / Locked Box: Secret kept or to keep. To keep safe or from enemy hands.

Salt: The effectiveness of a Christian, with salt one is effective in actions, to have no salt flavor but look like salt, it is having a form of godliness and no power.

Scale: To be measured or measuring. May indicate the value of someone or thing. Justice or corruption.

Scepter: Universal dominion, Authority, Acceptance or denial

Shelf: To put away or to forget, but find valuable still.

Silver Cord: Thought to be the connection between man’s spirit and body. Occult practices reference this a great deal, may indicate occult activity. May also be the understanding of the fragility of life.

Sphere: Area of influence

Soap: To cleanse from sin or wickedness.

Stopwatch / Watch / Clock: To worry about time constraint to complete a task at work/job or the like.

Straitjacket: To be mentally constrained, loosing control of self-control. Symbolizes mental state of being as crazy, insane.

Sugar: Gossip, what people want to hear instead of truth.

Sunglasses: To wear them is to avoid exposure to the light (truth) or to hid truth from others.

Sulfur / Brimstone / Bucket / Pale: God’s judgment, coming judgement of man or circumstance.

Tassel: Speaks of praise

Table: A common place to be for common reasons, goals. Can be a good or evil symbol.

Tape Measure / Ruler: To scale someone or something. To know the value of a thing or being. Literal distance measured.

Tar: Sin, trap, very hard to get away from situation.

Target: A goal, or to be targeted may mean a spiritual demonic attack.

Tarot Cards: Witchcraft, divination, sin, fortune telling.

Tattoo: Inward expression/feelings being graphed onto the outward for viability.

Teardrops: Blood of Christ, Joy or Sorrow, Cleansing or Regret

Television: Influence, good or evil.

Throne: To see a throne symbolizes a place of power over an area or dominion. If a throne is in one’s territory, may indicate demonic activity or the sin nature taking dominion.

Ticket: A means to enter or to go to. Also if given as a consequence, then may be a warning to stop related actions in one’s life before it is too late.

Toilet: To get rid of an internal problem or waste. To flush out sin in one’s life.

Toothpaste / Mouthwash: The need to clean up one’s words that proceed out of the mouth.

Trash / Garbage / Junk: Typically related to sin or the nature of sin. Sometimes aftermath of hurt or disappointment.

Trumpet: Prophetic utterance, Declaration of victory to come or happening, Rallies troops, Sign of signalling start or ending, Alarm or Alert

Umbrella: Protection from evil, metaphoric or literal.

Vacuum: The need to clean sin from one’s life. A full vacuum may be the unwillingness to let go of sin.

Wheel / Tire: Condition of journey. A flat tire would indicate hurt or harmed along the way. Balding would mean to be wearing thin of patience or endurance, may need rest to change tires.

Veil: To cover for purity or to hide in secret.

Venom: Poisonous words or deadly actions.

Video Game: To be in a game is to imagine how life could be. Can also be by-product of playing games for too long.

Walking Stick: Taking time on a long journey, may represent age or time.

Window: Vision, to see beyond, gateway to soul like eyes.

Yardstick / Measuring Stick: To be measured, accounted for.

Yoke: Bondage, forced direction, submission.

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