Dream Interpretations of Colors


While we (Acts2dreams.com) cannot be absolute on what any one dream may really mean, we will update this directory as we find revelation and inspiration in the context of the scriptures. We encourage the believer to always first seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit, for he himself knows the depths and truths of God. If a dream is given by God, then God alone can give you the true meaning.

For who knows a person’s thoughts except their own spirit within them?
In the same way no one knows the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God.
1 Corinthians 2:11 (NIV)

Amber:  Glory to God

Amethyst:  Dream Stone, Happiness, Used in Priest Breastplate

Black: Sin, Darkness, Famine, Evil, Wickedness, Death, Agony, Misery, primordial color of creation

Blue: Represents God, Royalty, The Heavenly, Holy Spirit, God’s Throne, Grace

Blue/Green:  Nature of Jesus as Son of God, Savior and King

Light Blue: Royalty

Brass:  Jesus Capacity to endure judgement for sin, Metal used to prepare for war,  strength, judgement, Holy Spirit

Brocade:  Multi-Color, richness of color representing royalty, embroidered cloth

Brown / Rust: To be humbled, earthly vessels, human, temporal things

Clear / Vapor:  Temporary, loosing material gain.

Crimson:  Blood, Sin exposed, Tainted life, Tainted Blood

Dark brown: Forced to be humbled, Near Death, See Black

Gold/Golden: Kingliness, Refined, Pure, Purity, Valued, Idolatry, lustful

Green: New birth, Eternal Life,  Maturity, Earthiness, Growth, Prosperity, Awakened, Jealousy, envy, pride 

Grey: Neutral, In transition, Possibly deceptive or hiding something, wisdom, maturity

Dark Grey: Edge of Evil, Hiding, To be Hidden

Orange: Praise, To Endure, Push onward

Pink: Faded Life, Lesser shade of crimson, Child likeness, love, Reborn

Purple: Rare in nature, Royalty, Prestige, Exalted, Majesty  

Red: Blood, Life, Power

Rose (Magenta):  Messiah’s color blend of white for purity and red for redemptive blood.

Scarlet:  Man authority, Man Royalty, Religion, Atonement, Sin, Military

Shadow: A form of grey, can be protection or the presence of demonic activity.  Can be good or evil.

Silver: Grace, Redemption, Word of God, Price of Redemption

Topaz:  Reward, Great Value, Gain

Unknown: Mystery, spirit conflicting with natural understanding

White: Pure, Without sin, Innocent, Good, Holy, Triumph, Righteousness, Light

Yellow: Shekina Glory, Sulfurous, Warning, Prophetic, Events to Come

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