Dream Interpretations of Symbolism


While we (Acts2dreams.com) cannot be absolute on what any one dream may really mean, we will update this directory as we find revelation and inspiration in the context of the scriptures. We encourage the believer to always first seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit, for he himself knows the depths and truths of God. If a dream is given by God, then God alone can give you the true meaning.

For who knows a person’s thoughts except their own spirit within them?
In the same way no one knows the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God.
1 Corinthians 2:11 (NIV)

Alpha / End: Beginning & End, Jesus is the Alpha and Omega.

Bio-hazard / Nuclear: Indication of past/present/future harm or imminent dangers.

Caution: Be alert, danger possible, warning.

Exit Sign: A escape from a scenario.

Flag: A specific symbol of national or group related. Some flags have word specific means such as a white flag means to surrender or impending battle.

Hazard Sign: Possible pending danger ahead. Proceeding is very risky.

Pentagram / Inverted Cross: Occult, Witchcraft, Demonic activity.

Poison Sign: Prominent wickedness present. May be in a toxic or dangerous relationship or sin entangled.

Pressure Sign: To be conditioned or tried by God to better oneself or possibly the pressure of an enemy / demonic attack.

Road Sign (General): Common road signs may symbolize the turns in life ahead or the need to speed up or slow down. May indicate the harshness of the terrain or again life journey ahead.

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