Dream Interpretations of Creatures & Animals


While we (Acts2dreams.com) cannot be absolute on what any one dream may really mean, we will update this directory as we find revelation and inspiration in the context of the scriptures. We encourage the believer to always first seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit, for he himself knows the depths and truths of God. If a dream is given by God, then God alone can give you the true meaning.

For who knows a person’s thoughts except their own spirit within them?
In the same way no one knows the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God.
1 Corinthians 2:11 (NIV)

Alligator/Crocodile: Spiritual enemy, sometime symbolic of from within, not visible. Hide while observing when to strike it prey.

Animal (General): Can be good or bad, often symbolic to a circumstance. May also be a self reflection of one’s state of being, or spiritual in nature be it demonic or angelic.

Armadillo: Shielded, well protected. May be reflect protecting someone or thing.

Ants: Highly organized, colonized insects that could reflect either the state of one’s self reflection or outside influences for/against a person(s)

Badger: An animal that often insists on being pesky towards others, may represent a person or circumstance that is presently happening to one or against another.

Bat: Night creature, can represent demonic activity. Dormant during daylight.

Bear: Strong, fierce animal. May represent the strength of a circumstance or spiritual opposing forces.

Beast / Fictional: Demonic typically. Enemy.

Beatles: Typically feed on green living plants and difficult to exterminate. They may represent an outward problem that is eating at one’s life force.

Beaver: Very hard working animal. Often representing the state of will power in one’s being or reflection of other’s determination.

Bee (General): Depending on type, normally organized self sustained insects. Could represent the inward reflection of one’s circumstances. Outwardly, they may represent the oppression of group imposed on others.

Bird (General): May be a carrier of a message. May represent the Spirit of God or angelic beings, sometimes demonic. Type of bird may give further insight for example, an eagle is thought of as a majestic bird of authority and a pigeon/dove is often thought of as a messenger or love, and a vulture would be considered demonic praying on death.

Bull: Very aggressive, Enemy, Territorial. Often a evil spiritual being guarding its territory. Powerful adversary.

Bunny/Rabbit (General): Fast to reproduce, May represent a fast arising circumstance that is not typically in one’s control. Type of bunny may give further insight.

Butterfly: The beautiful from the ugly. Symbolizes the change from an old circumstance to a new beginning.

Camel: Similar to that of a donkey, a load carrier for great journeys.

Cat (General): More so self sustained and territorial. Can represent spiritual beings such as angel and demons. Type of cat may detail the symbolism better such as a black cat could mean witchcraft, misfortune. Cats in the wild such as lions, tigers, cheetahs, etc all have individual advantages as well such as speed, domination, etc.

Caterpillar: Before metamorphosis one could symbolize being before Christi in sin, very destructive to leaves and trees.

Chameleon: Can be interpreted multiple ways. Good is defensive to evade a problem or prey. Bad can be an enemy hiding in plain sight watching and observing your actions. May also show the introvert personality of a person to evade life circumstances.

Chicken: Symbol of being fearful or cowardice. Will run from danger faster than confronting it.

Cockroach: Dirty living or sinful environment. Since they tend to hide from light and come out in the dark, this is often the representation of a hidden sin or a true nature of a person and group.

Cow (General): Herded animal, Social. Can be associated with money or wealth. Type of cow may elude to state of being such a calf is young, weak and a fat cow may represent excess or birth. Red heifer is a sacrificial cow of the old testament.

Deer (General): Youthful, Peaceful, May represent oneself or another. May reflect a romantic relationship.

Dog (General): Guardian, May be a symbolism of a guardian angel. An aggressive dog towards one may be the opposite in spiritual nature such as demon, however often shown as wolves. Other interpretations may be understood in the dog’s personality such as ungrateful, greedy, selfish. One maybe fearful of dogs. A rabid or growling dog towards one is often a demonic entity.

Donkey: Stubborn, Unwilling person or inward self.

Dinosaur (General): While variation in type may give to better detail the meaning, the general idea is that it represents something much larger than we are and ancient. A dinosaur may be a long forgotten secret, sin, or knowledge.

Dragon: Often a symbolism of Satan or wickedness.

Duck: Can represent one who is without care to others, noisy, overbearing.

Eagle: freedom, high above circumstance, a watcher.

Elephant: Very family oriented and social mammal. Can represent a large issue seen openly.

Fish: Souls of men, Condition of soul or souls, Environmental condition of those around. Symbol of Christianity. May also by type elude to spiritual attack or spiritual nurture as in a shark to dolphin.

Flea/Mosquitoes: Annoyances, Small, May be contracted from bad environments. May suggest moving away from an area or repelling.

Fly/Flies: Typically around disgust, rot. A reference in the 10 plagues of Egypt, direct reference to principality of darkness Beelzebub, Flies being near indicates something dead or dying is near.

Fox: Sly, Crafty, Sneaky animal. Always after own self-gain, may represent a person or spirit attempting to take from you something almost with your permission at the hand of being deceitful. Destroys vine base plants to get fruit off vine in time.

Frog (General): Frog multiply fast and can represent a bad situation or plague like. Other would be multiply fast.

Goat: Typically symbolizes those that do not believe in God and/or Jesus. Referenced often as separating sheep from goat. A goat can blend in with sheep to a point, be careful of those around that act a part, but have alternative motivations.

Grasshopper: To move great distances at a time over the Earth. May symbolize a biblical plague.

Horse (General): Revelation symbolized them in many fashions, such as representation to famine, war, conquest, & death. While Jesus riding a white horse represents authority and peace.

Leech: Person or spirit that attaches itself to draw the life-force (blood) from ones soul. Often a greedy spirit or an entitled spirit.

Lamb (Sheep): Symbolic of Jesus, Word of God, Sacrifice. A black lamb or sheep may symbolize the idea of being isolated or outcast, depression.

Lion: Royalty of Christ, Jesus, Courage, Boldness, Victory, Provokes, Ferocity, Majestic, Stealth, Ruler or Judge. Other references is like a lion the Devil.

Lizard: In some areas of the world a lizard is a known pest to sneak into a home. Be mindful of those around oneself that inhabit one’s living space both natural and spiritual. Lizards can be demonic as well as human.

Locust: Invasive army of darkness, destructive forces that take life away (plants) in large numbers. Plague related.

Maggot: Feeds on death and rot. Be mindful of the environment one may be in. If maggots are present, then so is death and rot. See Flies.

Mouse/Mice: Rodents that while some are cute all are destructive. Considered pests and feed on rot, trash, etc. If mice are present in dream, be mindful of your daily environment. Plague related.

Moth: Destroys wealth, clothing, materials things. Sign of loss of material items. May represent one’s state of affairs or estate fading away.

Monkey (Or similar): Very expressive, may represent a person or oneself reflection, emotion. Reflection of social environments.

Panther: Stealthy predator, may be observing one actions prior to attacking. May represent spiritual or people in general, check one’s company kept.

Pig/Hog (General): An animal with no regard to what they trample on. May represent a group of people with no respect towards oneself. Type of pig may give detail such as a boar is wild, more aggressive than a farm raised pig that is in a controlled environment.

Raccoon: Mischievous behavior. May reflect one’s self image or others towards oneself. Raccoons can be foolish and mess makers.

Roach: Can endure almost any climate condition. May be good or evil. Survivor.

Rooster: Prideful leader, or self image of pride.

Scorpion: Demon or evil in nature.

Snake: Common to represent an evil spirit or demon, however can be symbolic to represent sneaky or underlying circumstances waiting to strike or avert. Like in the garden of Eden, possible to cunningly trick one into doing things they ought not. Type of snake may elude to type of spirit, a constrictor snake type would be likened to depression and anxiety. Where as a black snake could be an observer, non-aggressive. Cobra is very crafty and evil. A harmless snake may be considered a messenger back to the ones that carry out evils or a gossip.

Spider: Typically demonic, evil spirit. Type of spider may incite the meaning deeper for example a ground spider (trap spider) one that captures pray unaware of their surroundings.

Spider Web: Trap, awaiting enemy.

Turtle: Slow but determined. This can be a reflection of inward self or circumstanced surrounding.

Vulture: Desires dead things, may be a symbol of coming despair. Also end time related. Wickedness.

Wings: Protection, Defense, Condition of readiness to take on a journey.

Wolf: Similar to that of the dog except that most are demonic or darkness related. Normally do not attach or appear alone, but in packs. Be mindful where there is one wolf, there are bound to be more. Wolves can be people or spiritual.

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