Bulls and Fences

Author: Ryan Hutzel

Finding myself in a fenced in area that was fenced inside of itself. Think of a large square then a rectangular area fenced off within itself. The outside parameter was large enough to cover multiple acres, maybe 10 to 20. The grass in the field seemed fresh, very green and not trampled. The inner fenced area as from one end of the outer fence to the other, in the middle of the total field. I seemed to be in the center of the field, and one end away from me was what appeared to be an old bull, with broken horns, not sawed, just broke. After noticing him, he began to charge at me, in this time I immediately went for the fence, I jumped over the 3-wire fence, not electric or at least not turned on. The bull jumped over it too, which seemed very illogical that it could do this. I jumped back over the fence again to the center area, and he followed! So, I dove through the fence back to the other side, again he followed. At this time, I thought that maybe I could tire him out by running and dodging around the herd of solid black cows that were just standing in the field. This seemed to have worked after some time, he just stopped pursuing.

As the bull began to tire, I paused and attempted to catch my breath only to see a much younger bull with horns coming at me form this side of the field. The horns however were spiraled like a goat, however the body of a bull. He did not have the full body mass of a full-grown bull. This time, I just knew I could not outrun this one, as it approached, I grabbed it by the horns with my hands and began to wrestle with it under the idea of getting it to the ground and subduing it somehow. Before this could happened, I woke up out of the dream with the last memory of staring the bull in its eyes wrestling with its horns.

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