Last Stock Family

By Ryan Hutzel


Finding myself in what appears to be a small-town setting on a sidewalk along with many others crowded together, even into the streets.  There were buildings on both sides of the street.  There were many types of people, many races, many ages from children to adult.  In the crowd were also many soldiers, dressed similar to Nazi Germany officers, grey uniforms. They were armed with assault rifles.  It appeared we were all being guided one direction.  While walking slowly, the overall atmosphere seemed depressed and hopeless.

During the walk, there was one little girl, maybe 10-12 years old, short hair, brown, Caucasian that came into the crowd directly toward me from the opposite direction and stopped me.  She smiled at me and began to sing the song “Tomorrow.”   I feel it is very important to detail how this song was sung.

When she began to sing, the crowd of people stopped, the officers, stopped as well.  She, as a soloist sung the first segment:

The sun will come out tomorrow
Bet your bottom dollar that tomorrow
There’ll be sun

When she reached the end, the soldiers, however many there were began to sing the next part:

Just thinkin’ about
Clears away the cobwebs, and the sorrow
‘Til there’s none

It is important to say that when the soldiers sang, there was a odd tone, very eerie resound to their choir of voices.

Then a single voice in the distance ahead of me approached as what looked like moving truck, maybe old bread truck appeared, that stopped maybe 20ft in front of me.  A man stepped out of the truck and sang the following:

When I’m stuck with a day
That’s gray, and lonely
I just stick out my chin
And grin, and say, oh

After this is when the general crowd began to sing, the chorus:

The sun’ll come outtomorrow
So ya gotta hang on’til tomorrow
Come what may

Tomorrow tomorrow
I love ya
You’re always a day a way
The sun will come…

Before the crowd finished the chorus, this man, short black hair, Caucasian, made a statement.

“Sorry, we were held up to get to you, you are the last stock family!”

He smiled, and the on the right side of the truck, windows opened.  Small machine guns, pistols began to be handed out.  People flooded to get them and began to open fire on the soldiers.  This is where the dream ends.

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