Dream of The Healing

Author: Ryan Hutzel

This vision I had while sitting in a Sunday morning service.  In this vision, there was a man about 5’-6” tall or so. He was short dark colored hair, however semi-bald.  His complexion was a towards the heavier side.

I was standing in my church in one of the front pews next to the youth section (at the time the youth section was the far left side, front rows of the sanctuary if you were facing the stage.  This church is a 4 section church, all sections facing the pulpit by an angle.) A man was preaching (very excitedly and with passion) and suddenly stopped, because there was a lady that came walking up to the altar. She didn’t speak out loud why she was up there in a way for all to hear, but somehow I just knew that she had some kind of disease in her jaw. This preacher put his hands on her jaw and immediately she received power from the Holy Ghost (fell to the floor as well) and the issue of her jaw was healed.

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