Dream of Hell’s News

Author: Ryan Hutzel


I became self-aware in this dream, standing in an open area, not sure where I was really, there was nothing to see.  Except in my hands I was holding a stiff paper, possibly made of skin, single sheet.  At the top of this paper I clearly saw the word Hell and something about news.  There were three vertical columns below the top of the page.  Glancing across the page, I noticed that nothing was in English, and not really sure what the lettering was.  In some ways it reminded me of the symbols in the movie “The Matrix.”  What was in English in the first column on the left in large bold and capitalized lettering was the word “CAPTURED” and below the title in smaller print was the words “For Immorality.”  Under the column title and subtitle was the names of those affected by this, for the sake of privacy, we will say John Doe and Sally Doe.  Below their names, it appeared the column was a description of their capture; however, I was not able to comprehend the language to understand what was written.  The middle column was unreadable, however on the far-right corner there was a black outlined blocked area, maybe about three inches wide by two inches tall, with capital lettering, “WANTED.”  Under the wanted title was my full name and my wife’s full name.  A feeling of shock and humor sort of struck me, while dealing with the sadness of those that were captured came over me at once.  I didn’t know what to make of all this.

Then suddenly, the scenery came alive, changed.  I found myself still holding the document, down to my right side looking out from what seemed to be the center of a grassy field.  At a distance I saw a male figure running very fast towards me, waving, and yelling something.  When he got there I asked, “What’s wrong?”  The man (no idea who he was, just for reference) proceeded to tell me that campers, teens & kids were dying everywhere, we are under attack.  He said that a plane crashed in one place, some drowned in another, and then rambled on about others, it was too much to process at once.  I look at him and said, it will be okay, we will figure this out.  The dream ended here.

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