Dream of Taking Hornets For Granted

By Ryan Hutzel


Finding myself inside of friend’s (name excluded for privacy) house, hallway specifically just outside the kitchen, I seemed to be in an urgent state of mind to find him.  His wife, (voice only,) spoke and said, “he is back the hall.”  As I looked back the dark hallway, he then appeared and began walking towards me.  He approached me to within a couple of feet from my person, I asked him, “Where is your son?”  He said, “He is asleep.”  I explained in an urgent manor there is no time to awaken him and asked him to follow me back to the church, there was a hornet infestation under the decking of the church. 

            The scene faded and we appeared to be at the underside of this large wooden deck.  This deck attached to an unknown to me church building was likely eight feet above the sloping ground.  The ground was furthest from the deck at the opening end, but the ground and deck drew closer as they drew closer to the church.  He had already started looking under the deck and pointed out that there was a small nest.  He sprayed it with hornet’s spray, killing the hornets, then stated, “This is only a satellite nest, there has to be a parent nest somewhere.”  I said, “okay” and observed as he walked further away.  As he was walking closer to the building, the ground began to bring his head up to the underside of the deck. He was looking at the ground at that moment, as I yelled, “Look out!  The nest is right above you!”  It was too late, his head bumped the nest, and the hornets began to scramble out of the nest, stinging him.  He ran away from the next towards me.  I asked, “Are you okay?”  He seemed angry and disgruntled, but stated “a few got me, but I will be alright.”  The dream ended.

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