Dream of Administration & Technology Changes

By Ryan Hutzel

Server Switch

Walking in from the outside to a double set of full glass commercial doors then leading into an airlock, to another set of double doors.  The airlock was maybe 10 feet wide by 6 feet in depth.  I was in my work attire, being an I.T. consultant, I had my business name on the black polo I was wearing.  As I entered this church it had a likeness to that of a local church in my area, so it had a strange sense of familiarity. There were many people moving about, carrying old furniture and technology out of offices.  I was pleasantly greeted by the senior pastor of this church. (did not recognize him, however his face had a familiar look to someone I know.)  He simply said, “We have been expecting you, follow me, please.”  I followed him to a nearby office.  This office had much of the network and central server access equipment in it.

As we entered, another character looked at me and began to give orders.  He forcefully stated, “Take all the old technology out, and help that guy over there configure the network wiring.”  Shocked at his demeanor and abrasive attitude, it took me a moment of just staring at him to regain my composure.  After that moment, I then responded, “I don’t think you understand who I am or why I am here! I am not here to take orders from you, nor to just blindly remove, fix, anything, I am here to consult and inform you of what to do.” 

I was a little flustered but stood still with the pastor by my side, of which he remained oddly silent.  This other male character then responded with “I thought you were just another hand, that’s why I thought you came here.”  I responded kindly, but firmly “You see the logo on this shirt? I am here to bring order to this mess; how do I know that you or even that guy over there on the network wires even really know what you are doing?”  He seemed very angered that I would address his abilities or what authority he thought he had.  He stared at me, all the while the pastor remained silent.  This is where the dream ended.

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