Dream of Dead Messengers

Author: Ryan Hutzel


In this dream, it was though I was watching the life of others right beside them, just that they had no idea to me being near them. It started off in an office that seemed to have a 1950’s appeal, possibly earlier with wood desks and chairs and dim dull lighting. I was directly beside two figures, a male office worker (assumption) and a male messenger. The messenger was trying to tell the other male figure something, delivering a message. The receiving male character became angry, pulled out a small hand gun and shot the messenger point blank in the chest/heart. This scene happened two more times, in two more office like environments, except they were female in the following two scenes. Each scene repeated identically, just in different offices.

A forth messenger arrived at on the forth scene. This new messenger was male. This time however, when the receiver male figure went to pull the gun as he did three times prior, the messenger was quick to react. He struggled the gun away without it firing and ran out of the office. The scene cut to an old airport run way. It appeared to be night time. The messenger, and another companion, female was inside of a old silver single propeller plan that had a dome glass enclosure. This plane was odd for its single propeller was off center to the right side. They were attempting to start the plane; however, it would not turn over, the propeller would spin a little and stall. The female looked at the messenger and said, we’ve got to go, he is coming. Rain was falling and it was night, but you could see the receiver with his gun in his left hand in a distance slowly walking toward the plane, almost as though he knew they couldn’t take off. Dream ends here.

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