Dream of Hidden Building In Plain Sight


Author: Ryan Hutzel Began by over looking the lower lot from the top of the hill at the church, at the face of the church building.  It was me and one other male figure. This male character was a little taller than me, may have been 6-foot, dark hair, likely… Continue reading

Dream of Deceptive Appearances


Author: Ryan Hutzel Began in the middle of a conversation between myself, a pastor & his wife.  At first I was fully convinced I was talking to them.  The conversation details were unknown, it seemed as I was just finishing speaking I noticed a facial structure change in the pastor’s… Continue reading

Dream of A Demon Caught and A Demon Flee


Author: Ryan Hutzel Began by becoming aware in a hallway that seemed to overlook a lower floor, this house, mansion, or maybe otherwise a hotel was difficult to comprehend because the stairs going up seemed to appear to go down at the same time.  I just could not comprehend this… Continue reading

Dream of Domino Effect


Author: Ryan Hutzel This dream is a continuation of the man I saw previously preaching and healing a woman of a jaw issue.  This is the final time I have seen this person, the description of him remains the same as before.  This is another first person observed dream. I… Continue reading